About Permissions and Roles | GideonSoft Support
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About Permissions and Roles

When people are added to the system, they must be assigned a Role. Before assigning people to Roles, each Role must be created, with a Role name unique to your organization, and at least one permission set applied.

  • When a person is assigned a Role, they inherit the permission set associated with that Role.
  • Roles are titles that are unique to your organization; whereas permission sets are the generic titles that are built into GideonSoft.
  • If you select two permission sets for a single Role, the Role will be a combination of the permission sets, granting the highest level of privileges from the combination.
  • Users with the Overlord and Overseer permission sets are in charge of creating and editing Roles and determining who should have what permission sets. Overlord, Overseer, and Proctor users can then assign people to appropriate Roles.
  • It is important to understand the different permission sets and the privileges associated with each.

Below is a high level overview of permission sets that can be assigned to the created Roles.

User Input

These only function in the Instance(s) of which they are a member.

Basic User: Ideal for a student or candidate to perform basic input … complete a survey, record an observation or maybe run a report.

Power User: Good for a coach or instructor. In addition to Basic User capability, this person can also complete spreadsheets, and has limited access to view data, and to view others’ Position information.

Data Entry: Created for people responsible for input on behalf of others … complete surveys or spreadsheets, or record behaviors.

Power Data Entry: Good for a course advisor. In addition to data entry capability, this person can change another person’s status or activate/deactivate surveys or reports. For example, this person may review an exit survey with a student and change their status.

Note: It is very important that administrative users closely monitor Data Entry and Power Data Entry users because they are given authority to represent other users in the system.

Research and Oversight

These function in the Module(s) or Instance(s) of which they are assigned.

Report Viewer: Typically for high-ranking individuals (leadership) in an organization. This allows them enough access to view reports. And by default, they can see ALL reports unless they are specifically denied access.

Data Viewer: Perfect for researchers, data warehouse administrators, or data scientists. This permission set provides access to view data and reports, but they cannot change/edit anything.


People with these permissions will not show up in the roster, surveys, spreadsheet, etc., but they keep things moving.

Proctor: The one who manages an Instance. Within the Instance(s) they are assigned, they have the ability to view everything, add/remove/assign people, activate/deactivate surveys, reports or events; but they cannot configure or delete data or information.

Data Proctor and People Proctor: As the names suggest, these permission sets offer more refined options for assigning people to administrative roles. They focus the proctor functionality on either data related functionality and people related functionality.

Overseer: This person helps manage Instances within their assigned Modules … open or close an Instance, edit or delete data, create Jobs, and design other selected pieces of the template.

Overlord: This person can fully manage any Module they’re assigned to.

Admin: The highest level in your organization, so they can access Organization settings, and create or remove Modules.

For more detail, see Permission Set Detail.

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Version(s): GideonSoft 2022 Release 1 and later

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