GideonSoft 2024 Release 1 (May 2024) | GideonSoft Support
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GideonSoft 2024 Release 1 (May 2024)

[Final Production version]

A Whole New Org Settings Look and Feel

The new interface includes

  • Completely overhauled Org settings UI, making it easy to find what you’re looking for.
  • New high-level insights data to quickly gauge activity org-wide.
  • Shortcuts! So you can get to and knock out the tasks you need to more quickly.
  • New Organization-level QA reporting.


Pumped Up Stats (No Lies!)

  • More Capability and Precision … We completely reworked the code for more precise statistics management, to better handle how the data is stored and managed, and to provide more functionality!
  • An Easier, Streamlined Interface … We also completely reworked the UI for setting up and managing stat definitions. Statistics can be complicated enough!
  • Automatic Recommendations … If data exists, but no definitions are in place, GideonSoft can make recommendations to help you get started.


Report Updates to Report

  • More Precise Report Date Parameters … We’ve added the ability to include hours with a date parameter.
  • Digital Signature Enhancements … Digital Signatures can now be added to custom group reports, and report designers can now customize the PDF file name.
  • A New and Flexible Report Page UI … The report page now matches the surveys page, with a split screen, smaller rows, and the ability to cluster reports together.


More Refined People Organization

  • More Details Available for Instance Level People … This update adds the option to display Org fields via the Column Chooser.
  • A More Flexible Process to Add New People … Now more admin roles can see and approve people to review in Persistent Modules and Instances.
  • Automatic Expressions for People to Review … We’ve added the ability to automatically apply default expressions for various fields when adding people.
  • Prevent Duplicate Email Address Usage … Flag potential duplicate email addresses when people join via QR Code.
  • Improved Profile Visualization Design … This settings page has been redesigned to be more streamlined, and to be consistent with other design pages.


Powerful, and Persistent (Module)

  • (New!) Flexible Display in Custom Text Fields … We’ve added the ability to display a check box or toggle in a Yes/No picklist.
  • Bring Status Notes With … When a rule changes a person’s Status in a Performance Module, the status notes are brought in too.
  • Display Status Notes … Since we’re bringing in status notes, why not display them on the people grid?
  • Custom Fields When Moving People … You can now make a custom field available when moving people to a Performance Module.
  • More Refined Control of Visibility … You now can assign one or more roles to Units and to Categories.


Other Miscellaneous Goodness

  • New GideonSoft Installer … Allows for a custom install location and more smoothly handles an upgrade if GideonSoft is already installed.
  • Multi-Language Support … This update lays the groundwork to support other languages in addition to English.
  • Built in QA reporting … In addition to 2 new Organization-level reports, there are 1 new and 3 updated Instance-level reports.
  • Status Now Included in Auto-Instance Settings … You can now transfer any selected status to the new Instance.
  • Survey Display Flexibility on Mobile Devices … Show the web version of a survey on mobile devices and include multiple questions on a single page.


What’s New in GideonSoft 2024 Release 1 (PDF)


Table of Contents