Running Reports | GideonSoft Support
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Running Reports

From the Reports page

On the Reports page, you’ll see a list of reports that you have permission to view. Click on the report name. You may be prompted to select an individual or team to continue.

Once the report has loaded, it can be shared, output to PDF or printed. If a person selector list is displayed on the left, click the PDF button to output all selected people to a single PDF.

At the top right, there will be several icons:

  • Output to PDF … this will output the currently viewed person/team to a PDF file, and any sections that have been expanded or collapsed will be reflected.
  • Print … This will send the currently viewed person/team to your printer, and any sections that have been expanded or collapsed will be reflected.
  • Get shareable link … Share the report with someone else, regardless of whether they have a GideonSoft account.
    • Select when the link should expire from the drop down.
    • Password protect link (optional) … check this, and provide a password, to require a password to view the report
    • Click the ‘Get shareable link” button. This will create an address in the text box directly below the button.
    • Copy to copy this text to your clipboard (Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd+C (Mac), or right-click on the text and select Copy).
    • Paste the text into an email (and don’t forget to tell them the password if you required one).
    • Click the Done button.

Note: SSRS reports may have some additional export options. If those formats are available, you will see “PDF” and “Excel” links if you click the blue down arrow.


From a Person’s Profile Page

From a person’s profile page, select Reports from the left side bar to see available reports, then select the desired report. Note:

  • When there are a large number of individuals in an Instance, individual reports will load faster when they are run from the individual’s profile page.
  • Not all reports will be available from an individual’s profile page.

Quality Assurance reports (for Administrators)

For administrators, this page contains a handful of reports about activity, configuration and access. From the Instance home page, select “Settings”, and in the Tools section, select “Activity and Configuration”.  See Instance Settings – Activity and Configuration


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Version(s): GideonSoft 2024 Release 1 and later


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