
Viewing Progress Towards Goals and Objectives

You can view progress towards any Goals, you’ve created as well as any Objectives assigned to you, from your My Goals page.


On your computer (web site):

  • In the gray left side of the screen, anywhere in the app, click the drop down next to your name/profile picture and select “My Goals”.
  • From your Profile page, either click on the Goals/Objectives/Achievements section directly below your name, or click the gear icon next to your name, and then click “My Goals”.

On a mobile device (app):

  • Tap the gear icon towards the right, and then select “My Goals”.

This page provides a quick overview of goals and assigned objectives. Towards the top, you’ll see the Record Progress button, which leads to the progress entry page, and Goal Worksheet, which displays your plan details.

My Goals

This page provides a quick overview of goals and assigned objectives. Towards the top, you’ll see the Record Progress button, which leads to the progress entry page.



This section displays Goal(s) you’ve created, including either the most recent input value or how much time is left to achieve the goal, and progress towards each represented by an arc:

  • The input value/time left is displayed in red if the goal is past due.
  • A light blue arc represents 0%
  • A partial green arc represents some progress, but less than complete.
  • A full/complete green circle represents 100%.
  • Clicking on a Goal will display more detailed Goal and commitment recorded progress.
    • Check the “View in weekly increments” to view recorded entries by week, instead of by day.
    • If a Commitment is set as a Weekly goal, a “progress” bar will be displayed. A dotted line in the middle represents the target.
      • The bar will be green if the target has been met or passed.
      • The bar will be red if the target has not been met.


How Goal Progress is calculated

  • Each Goal’s progress is calculated independently.
  • The Goal itself is the only item used to calculate progress. (Data/progress recorded on commitments do not affect the main Goal progress.)
  • The difference between the baseline value and the target value determines the progress percentage.
    • If a starting value was entered, it will be used as the ‘baseline value’.
    • If no starting value is entered, the first recorded entry for the Goal will be used as the ‘baseline value’. (No progress will be displayed until a 2nd entry is recorded for the primary commitment.)


Assigned Objectives

This displays a list of Objectives assigned to you, with status icons for each:

  • White target … in progress/not complete
  • Green check … completed
  • Red minus … failed


You can click on an Objective to view your progress, which is recorded automatically. The idea behind Objectives is so you know what is important to your supervisor. So, if you’re unsure how you’re performing or how to perform better, talk to them!

  • The ‘Show values?’ checkbox toggles the data values on and off…
    • Green … met the objective (“target”)
    • Gray … performing better than the warning threshold, but has not quite met the objective
    • Yellow … warning; somewhat near the failed threshold; in danger of failing to meet the objective (“suspect”)
    • Red … failed to meet the objective (“criminal”)
  • There is a View Details icon next to your name; click on it to see the Target, Warning and Failed values for this Objective.
  • There are other view options, such as a Show Values checkbox, and a Detail/Summary View.
  • If there are multiple Objectives assigned to you, you can navigate between them using the left and right arrows underneath the Objective name.
  • To return to your My Goals page, use your browser’s back button.



Completed Goals

This displays completed achievements, and indicates whether or not they’ve been sent to a supervisor for verification. Once a Goal has been verified by a supervisor, if they’ve left a comment, that will also be indicated here.


Paused Goals

This lists goals that have no recorded activity in a month or more.


Dropped Goals

These are Goals that are no longer being pursued.

You can always add, edit or drop a Goal for whatever reason, from the My Goals page as well.




= = = = =

Version(s): GideonSoft 2020 Release 1 and later


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