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Keep up with all the changes in GideonSoft

GideonSoft 18.3

January 2019

Goals and Integrations

• Goals and Goal Setting
◦ The Goal point system has been replaced with a more intuitive percentage progress system. This new system will help you clearly see how far you’ve come!
• Integrations (3rd Party)
◦ We’ve redesigned and simplified the process to set up an integration with 3rd party / external data sources. In just a few steps, data can start flowing in to GideonSoft!
• Scheduler / Event Builder
◦ The Event Builder is designed to help leaders organize what their people spend their time doing, but even more critically, to link these activities to desired outcomes.
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GideonSoft 18.2

September 2018

Instances, Surveys, and Reports

• Instance Home Page
◦ The thumbnails now include color coded status information, and the background turns gray for inactive people.
• Surveys
◦ We’re excited to introduce the new Image Tile question type, which allows you to make ratings or selections based on interactive images.
• Reports 
◦ A powerful new visualization is the Detail Data Grid, which can display a customizable grid of data, referencing Evaluations, Observations, Score variables or even just Survey responses.
• Profile and Progress Report 
◦ Sub-factor trend visualizations based on evaluation variables are now available under each factor in the Progress Report. 
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GideonSoft 18.1

April 2018

Report Design, Password Help, Goals and More!

• Report Designer
◦ We’re excited to introduce the ability for anyone (with the correct permissions) to easily create interactive reports directly in GideonSoft using a brand-new drag and drop interface.
• Forgot Password
◦ If you forget your password, you can now reset it as long as you have included you email address in your profile.
• Goals
◦ You can now use the mobile app to record your progress towards any goals you created in the Web app.
• Feedback Library
◦ You can now import, edit, or export feedback content in the Feedback Library. Exported feedback is stored as in CSV file for easy import into additional Modules.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 17.3

January 2018

Performance Enhancements!

• Observations Designer
◦ We completely overhauled the Behavioral Observations designer.
• Spreadsheet Designer
◦ We redesigned the spreadsheet configuration screens to match the new GideonSoft design language.
• Progress Report
◦ Previously, profile pages displayed data for all the open Instances to which a person was currently assigned. Based on your feedback, we’ve simplified this design so now only the most current Instance is displayed. You can easily traverse through all instances using a quick menu or left and right arrows.
• Data Warehouse Import
◦ We added a new feature to handle large datasets from 3rd party providers.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 17.2

September 2017

New Variable Designer, Goal Settings and Security!

• Introducing Goal Setting
◦ We have long observed that the most successful athletes and operators set goals so they can stay organized and manage their time towards achieving the extraordinary. And now we are excited to introduce our take on Goal Setting which introduces some powerful features that will increase your chances of successfully achieving your goals.
• No Question Left Behind
◦ Creating surveys has never been easier! We have streamlined the survey design process so virtually anyone can hit the ground running and ask the right questions as easily and quickly as possible.
• New Variable Designer
◦ Data is the lifeblood of all things GideonSoft, and as you begin to collect data and ask increasingly sophisticated questions, the way your data were designed becomes incredibly important.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 16.2

September 2016

Security. Security. Security.

• Welcome to the future of GideonSoft where security and ease of use do not have to be independent choices.
• We’ve also squashed a whole bunch of bugs and increased the reliability and speed of the system. Oh, and along the way we built some excellent features that will make data collection easier and even more seamless for you.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 16.1

April 2016

Brand new shiny app!

• Redesigned Mobile App
◦ Speed. Ease-of-use. Efficiency. Beauty. These were the goals for this latest version of the GideonSoft mobile app. Every aspect has been carefully redesigned to work with how you work and without interfering with your day-to-day tasks. This is the fastest, easiest, and most powerful human data collection tool that we have ever released. Let us know what you think by submitting a review!
• Report Band
◦ You know your data better than anyone else. That’s why we built the Report Band to be the first in a new series of interactive reports that let you take control of the data you collected. Using a simple three-step process, the Report Band will help you make better selection or recruiting decisions.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 15.1 and older

March 2015

Eveyrthing else!

• HTML5 reports
• Unified Documents
• Gradebook enhancements
• Hierarchy efficiency
Full Changelog