Full Changelog

Keep up with all the changes in GideonSoft

GideonSoft 2021 Release 2

September 2021

People Skills and Modules

• Better “People Skills”
◦ We listened to your feedback, and made it much easier to add and manage people in GideonSoft!  You don’t want to have to learn yet another app. You want to just jump in and get things done.
• A Whole New Kind of Module
◦ We’ve given your assessment a whole new purpose! … You’ve used GideonSoft for assessing performance and developing your roster, team or staff. Now, you can use GideonSoft for recruiting new people to determine whether they’d be a good fit, using a Persistent Module … 
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 2021 Release 1

September 2021

Reporting and Dashboard Enhancements

• Expanded Reporting Capabilities
◦ Show me the Data! … We know you need to see the data, and need flexibility on how you see it, so we’ve added more reports, more display options, and more features. 
• Dashboard Enhancements
◦ More Control right up front … We also know you may like to see or display summarized data right when you sign in, so we’ve added capabilities to the badges and dashboard.
• More Features for Survey Takers
◦ A Table of Contents for Web Survey takers … just like the GideonSoft mobile app, now an optional table of contents is available when completing surveys on the web. 
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 2020 Release 3

December 2020

Package Manager and Auto Instance!

• Package Manager (New!)
◦ Create and Apply “mini-templates” within existing Instances … A package can contain the necessary items to conduct a segment of evaluation, such as a peer review, and be imported to an open Instance already in progress. 
• Auto-Instance (New!)
◦ Automatically Create a new Instance on your Schedule … Helps keep your GideonSoft configuration current and streamlines the process to changing to a new Instance.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 2020 Release 2

September 2020

New! Continual Progress Review (CPR)

• Job Manager
◦ This is where all Jobs are created and shared (as templates). A title, description and typical responsibilities are outlined.
• Position Manager
◦ Turn a Job into a unique Position designed to connect a Supervisor to an Employee.  The Supervisor can use the Position Manager to modify Responsibilities for this Employee, schedule future meetings, and set reminders.
• Interactions
◦ Oftentimes team members are not comfortable coming to their supervisor. The CPR was designed to help facilitate this process. Notifications for Check Ins and Appraisals appear on an Employee’s timeline and help prevent too much time passing between communication.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 2020 Release 1

May 2020

Goal Setting and Survey Enhancements

• Goal Setting 2.0
◦ New Goal Worksheet … It’s now easy to create and manage your goals. Quickly set up goals, commitments and completion dates to build your own individual development plan!
• Survey Enhancements
◦ Kiosk Mode … Activate a full screen layout with no other menus or options. Let each team member quickly enter their last set in the weight room!
• Report Design and Analytics
◦ Band Report Redesign … Now functions as a voting tool! Select people, data points and green/gray/red bands, apply votes and comments, and review the summary. 
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 19.3

December 2019

More Powerful Report Capabilities

• Report Capabilities
◦ Wild Card Operators … The Details Data Grid, Pivot Grid and Line Chart items now have wildcard capabilities for greater data filtering flexibility.
• New Custom Dashboards
◦ Create a custom Dashboard at the Org or Module level.
• Scheduler Improvements
◦ More info on the Calendar ... We've added the ability to view Surveys, Observations, Reports and Autotags on the Calendar for better coordination and execution of your plan.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 19.2

September 2019

Custom Reports and More Features

• New Custom Group Report
◦ This new report type uses the same design interface as the Custom Person report and includes visualization cards for Behavior List, Bulletin, Data Grid, Detail Data Grid, Pivot Grid (new!), Arc Score, Bar Chart, Pic Chart, Liquid Fill and Gauge.
• Expanded Custom Person Report Features
◦ The Custom Person report is now available at the Organization and Module levels, and displays data from across Modules and Instances. Select the Modules & Roles to be included, and the Modules will determine the variables and other data displayed. 
• New Report Design Options and Display Enhancements
◦ 360° report option ... Eliminate the noise. When selected, only people in the report viewer’s 360° will show up in the person selector. If the report is a profile report, the report will only show up in profiles within the user’s 360°. This new report feature is available for Custom Person reports.
Full Changelog

GideonSoft 19.1

April 2019

Changes to the Home Page and Report Display

• New Home Page Summaries
◦ The Organization & Module home screens can now contain summary badges.
• Enhanced Reporting Design and Display
◦ More powerful Data Grid layouts ... Re-arrange columns and rows, display static text in a cell (or leave it empty), leverage more advanced formatting of cells and row/column headers, and add borders and add report link tooltips.
• New Mobile Spreadsheets
◦ Spreadsheets are now available on mobile.  They function similarly to Surveys, and can be found on the Survey tab.  Any Spreadsheets that are enabled and available will be displayed on this tab under the ‘Spreadsheets’ header.  
Full Changelog